Liquibase 3.0.2 has been officially released. It is a purely bugfix release. The major issues fixed are:
- Indexes and foreign keys were not being correctly handled in the snapshot/diff/generateChangeLog process
- Exporting data in generateChangeLog did not work
The full list of resolved issues:
- [CORE-169] – Oracle TIMESTAMPS not exported correctly
- [CORE-1301] – defaultschemaName not used
- [CORE-1315] – Database Objects do not get dropped on DB2
- [CORE-1317] – Not all FK Constraints get dropped on Oracle
- [CORE-1318] – Not all FK Constraints get dropped on SQL Server
- [CORE-1328] – includeAll trying to process invalid file types, should only process valid change log types
- [CORE-1331] – If logicalFilePath attribute is set on databaseChangeLog, I am unable to use relativeToChangelogFile=”true” on
- [CORE-1332] – includeAll of changelog files throws duplicate identifiers error
- [CORE-1335] – Data export support broken in 3.0
- [CORE-1336] – AutoIncrement not working with some types
- [CORE-1337] – Problem with changeset defined as runAlways=”true”
- [CORE-1339] – NPE on update if default ServiceLocator.packagesToScan is used
- [CORE-1340] – indexExists Changesets throwing PreconditionErrorException instead of PreconditionFailedException
- [CORE-1341] – foreignKeyConstraintExists precondition broken
- [CORE-1344] – addForeignKeyConstraint rejects referencesUniqueColumn
- [CORE-1347] – dropAll function work incorrectly when table has 2 foreign keys
- [CORE-628] – Specify the output encoding that liquibase should use to output data in Maven
If you were watching closely, you will notice that I forgot to announce 3.0.1 despite the fact that it was released on June 25th. That release included the following bugfixes compared to 3.0.0:
- [CORE-898] – Custom precondition xsd failing
- [CORE-1171] – Maven plugin displaying password in plain text
- [CORE-1320] – Cannot include YAML file
- [CORE-1323] – Conversion from char to SMALLINT is unsupported
- [CORE-1324] – Formatted SQL does not support contexts such as “some-context” or “some/context”
As always, you can download from and the new version should be working its way through the maven repository system. If you have questions or comments you can visit the forums at