Channel: Liquibase
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Continuous Build Server Now Availalbe


Thanks to the people at ops4j.org loaning us some space on their build server, we now have a build server available. It will (and has) helped ensure we keep our tests clean, and provides a place where anyone can download the latest build of liquibase.

We would like to thank Damian Golda in particular for helping getting us set up with the ops4j people.

Liquibase 2.0 Beta 4 Released


Beta 4 of Liquibase 2.0 is now available from http://www.liquibase.org/download

The major improvement over beta 3 is the fact that it will actually run…

Other improvements include:

  • Improved Oracle type mappings
  • “context” attribute is available on modifySql
  • Improved computed value detection and handling, including new “valueComputed” and “defaultValueComputed” attributes on

<column> and <addDefaultValue>

  • More bug fixes

If you have any issues or questions, please let us know

Reminder: Extension Contest Closes September 30th


We are down to the final days of the extension contest, but there is still time to get your entry in for a chance to win great prizes.

See the extension portal for full details.

Liquibase 2.0 RC1 Released


Liquibase 2.0 Release Candidate 1 is now available from http://www.liquibase.org/download

The primary focus of the 2.0 release is extensibility and building community. In particular, this means infrastructure changes such as:

As well as new functionality including:

  • Ability to specify databases and contexts in which to specify changelog parameters
  • Ability to specify contexts on modifySql
  • ChangeLogPropertyDefined precondition
  • Performance improvements
  • Lots of bug fixes

Current state of Liquibase 2.0:

As of the RC1 release, all scheduled features are implemented and our unit and integration tests have passed. For the next few weeks as we work through the RC cycle, I will be updating documentation and fixing reported bugs.

Upgrade Nodes:

  • The format of the changeset checksums stored in the databasechangelog table has changed. All checksums will automatically be upgraded to the new format, but will not be backwards compatible with 1.x. We cannot determine changed changesets so any invalid checksums or runOnChange features are disabled for the first 2.0 run
  • The modifyColumn tag has been deprecated and moved to the extension portal. If you are using modifyColumn, consider the new <modifyDataType> or other more specific comands (addPrimaryKeyConstraint, etc.) and/or include the modifyColumn library in your classpath.
  • The format of the XSD definition has changed.

The new format looks like:

    xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog/dbchangelog-2.0.xsd">

Please give Liquibase 2.0 a try and report any issues or questions you have.

Liquibase 2009 Plugin Contest Winners


sponsorsCongratulations to the winners of the 2009 Liquibase Plugin Contest!

Grand Prize (Choice of 5 O’Reilly Books, donated by O’Reilly):

Oracle Extensions by Artur Kopacz, Damian Pezda, Lukasz Rejkowicz, Tomasz Wicherski

Runner Up (Laptop Bag, donated by Atlassian):

Liquibase for JRuby on Rails by Tal Rotbart

Honorable Mentions (Choice of one O’Reilly Book):

  1. GarinDriver by Mark Farnsworth
  2. TableCount Precondition by Chris Imershein
  3. PostgreSQL Extensions by Shane Miller
  4. MS SQL Server Extensions by Dave Gorman
  5. Liquibase Documentation, Japanese Translation by Yasuo Honda

I would like to thank everyone who participated, as well as the generous prize donations by Atlassian and O’Reilly. I will be contacting the winners via email, if you do not hear from me, please let me know.

Liquibase Formatted SQL


Part of the changes made in the upcoming 2.0 release is supporting the ability to specify changelog files in formats other than XML.

As a proof of concept, I added the ability to write your changelog files in specially formatted SQL format rather than XML.

You can now write your changelogs like this:

--liquibase formatted sql
--changeset nvoxland:1
create table test1 (
    id int primary key,
    name varchar(255)

--changeset nvoxland:2
insert into test1 (id, name) values (1, 'name 1');
insert into test1 (id, name) values (2, 'name 2');

--changeset nvoxland:3 (dbms:oracle)
create sequence seq_test

which, when run, will run three separate changeSets on oracle, and two changesets on all other databases. Note that this is specifying raw SQL, not abstracted liquibase changes like “createTable” that generate different SQL depending on the target database.

You do need to have your file contain “–liquibase formatted sql” on the first line, and delineate your changelogs with the “–changeset AUTHOR:ID” lines.

After the AUTHOR:ID, you can specify any attribute normally available on the or XML tags, including:

  • stripComments
  • splitStatements
  • endDelimiter
  • runOnChange
  • runAlways
  • context
  • dbms
  • runInTransaction
  • failOnError

Since the formatted SQL builds the same internal changelog structure as the XML changelogs do, all the normal liquibase functionality (rollback, tag, dbdoc, updateCount, updateSQL, changelog parameters, etc.) are still available.

You can try out this new feature from the current 2.0 snapshot (http://liquibase.org/ci/latest). Let me know if you have any suggestions or problems. I am considering it an early access feature until 2.0 final is released, and there may be changes in the format of this file based on user feedback.

Looking for help with Maven configuration


Part of the delay of the next 2.0 RC is that I want that release to include a 2.0 snapshot in the maven repository for people to try. Unfortunately, I have determined that my maven skills are not what I need them to be to make this happen, and am hoping I can get some help.

If you look at the liquibase source from http://liquibase.jira.com/source/browse/CORE you’ll see that we have what is probably an uncommon source configuration–which is the root of a lot of my maven issues.

The main source is broken up into three major sub-modules:

  • liquibase-core
  • liquibase-core-jvm
  • liquibase-maven-plugin

each with its own pom.xml. The general idea is that the liquibase-core and liquibase-core-jvm modules are compiled and combined into a single jar file that is released as liquibase-core.jar while the liquibase-maven-plugin module is released independently. There is a liquibase-dist module that attempts to bind everything together in to liquibase-core, but I’m not sure if it is really doing it all correctly.

Prior to 2.0, liquibase was build using Ant and we do have a repository on sourceforge that is rsynced with the central maven repository. The old process used an ant task to update a local copy of that maven repository and I would upload the new/changed files to the sourceforge site manually.

The main questions that I know of currently are:

  1. How do I get maven to create the “liquibase-core “ module to release to the maven repository?
  2. What is the best way to create and release it? I would like the process to be based on builds from the build server, not based on building the modules locally
  3. What improvements should I make to the module structure?
  4. Is what I am trying to do too much for maven’s preferred way of doing things?
  5. What should I be doing to help OSGi support?

Liquibase 2.0 will switch to the Apache 2.0 License


As of the 2.0 release of Liquibase, we will switch to being licensed under the Apache License, version 2.0 rather than the LGPL.

The reason for the change is to make Liquibase more business friendly, especially with regards to being able to write extensions without worrying about license requirements that may be imposed by the LGPL. I’ll work on updating the license information on the web site and in the 2.0 codebase over the next few days. Let me know if you have any questions.

Liquibase 2.0 RC2 Released


Wow, it has been a very long time since RC1, but we finally are ready for RC2. It can be downloaded from http://liquibase.org/download like usual, and I have created an ‘upgrade to 2.0 guide”.

There have been a lot of bug fixes between RC1 and RC2 as well as some additional internal code structure and release process work done. The full 2.0 feature list is being built on the wiki at http://liquibase.org/v2_features.

Please test it out and let us know if you have any questions or problems. My goal is for this to be the final RC and to have 2.0 final out in a week or two. The maven plugin is not yet released to the maven repository as I am switching our primary location to Sonatype and that is not fully configured yet. Hopefully in the next couple days it will be available. I will also be working on testing the grails plugin with 2.0 over the next few days and will release an updated version soon.

Lower Case B


I was never a huge fan of the upper case B in “Liquibase” but had gone along with it since that was how it was. However, I’ve decided now that it bugs me too much, and so I am officially changing the product name to “Liquibase” with a lower case B.

I changed some of the documentation and all uses in the code. If you find a documentation page with the old capitalization, please fix it up.

Liquibase 2.0 RC3 Released


2.0 RC3 is now available. Like always, you can download it from http://liquibase.org/download.

RC3 includes:

  • Bug fixes, including a change to how classes are loaded which should make it work better in application servers.
  • The first 2.0 RC build that is pushed to the maven repository. We switched to pushing our jars to a new location, so if they don’t sync with the central repository, let me know

The 2.0 features and 2.0 upgrade notes are still being added to.

As usual, let us know if you have any questions or problems

Liquibase 2.0 RC4 Released


2.0 RC4 is now available. Like always, you can download it from http://liquibase.org/download.

The main changes in RC4 are improvements to the Maven POM configuration, and a change to how Liquibase classes and extensions are found and loaded.

The 2.0 features and 2.0 upgrade notes are still being added to as well.

As usual, let us know if you have any questions or problems

NOTE: There appears to be a bug, at least in the command line version. I’m looking into it…

Liquibase 2.0 RC5 Released

Would you be interested in offical, commercial Liquibase support and/or training?

Liquibase 2.0 RC6 is released

Liquibase 2.0 RC7 Now Available


I know I was hoping that RC6 would be the last, but there were enough bugs/changes found that we need another RC build….

As usual, you can download the latest RC from http://liquibase.org/download and report issues to http://liquibase.org/forum.

There was a change to how we compute checksums from RC6 to RC7, so it will be a good chance to test the checksum versioning code introduced in with 2.0, so let us know if you run into any changeSet checksum validation issues

New Standard Liquibase Plugin: Grails Database Migration


Now that the Grails Database Migration plugin has had its first release, I will no longer continue maintaining a the Liquibase Grails plugin past the current 1.9.x series.

Although the Database Migration plugin is still at version 0.1, it is based on Liquibase 2.0 and will get the attention and expertise that I was not able to give my version. For those of you using Liquibase 1.9, the old plugin will still be available and updated, but I will not release a new version of it built on Liquibase 2.0+.

The Database Migration plugin includes all the functionality in the old plugin, plus support for Groovy DSL changelogs rather than XML, GORM, and more.

Teradata Extension Now Available

Liquibase 2.0 Officially Released


At long last, Liquibase 2.0 has been released. For those of you watching closely, you know that 2.0.0 was actually released December 19th, but I wanted to give it a couple weeks (and a 2.0.1 release) before making the official announcement. Liquibase 2.0 has been a long time coming, but I am very proud of it. The most recent version (now 2.0.1) is available from the download page along with the v2.0 upgrade guide.

With version 1.9, Liquibase had hit the point where it had a growing user base and 90% of the functionality that developers needed to manage their databases. As I was looking at what to add for version 1.10, it was becoming clear that everyone wants a different (and often contradicting) final 10%. One team wants CLOBS to match to a UTF-8 compliant datatype, another wants them to be full text indexable. One team wants logging using slf4j, another wants log4j. And don’t forget the biggest war of all: XML changesets vs. the XML-haters. Add to this a tool with complex (and sometimes confusing) functionality and there were two obvious requirements for the future of Liquibase: Extensibility and Community.


Feature-wise, the biggest change with Liquibase 2.0 is the new extension system. The goal of the Liquibase extension system is to allow end users to modify and mold Liquibase to suite their particular development needs. While 1.9 and before included features like custom change classes, <modifySql> and changelog parameters, it wasn’t a true plugin system. With 2.0, we introduced the ability to create custom java classes that will replace or augment virtually all areas of Liquibase’s execution including changelog parsing, database support, available refactorings, generated SQL, logging and more.

Now, if you don’t like that the generated CREATE TABLE SQL does not include “ENGINE=INNODB”, you can create a subclass of CreateTableGenerator to modify it. If you would rather use a different logger you can create a subclass of AbstractLogger. If you don’t like XML, you can write a new changelog parser (there are now groovy, scala, and clojure versions underway).

The general pattern for all extensions is to create a subclass for an existing Liquibase class or interface and override the public void getPriority() method. At runtime, Liquibase will find all classes that implement a given class/interface and choose the one with the highest value from getPriority(). Registering your extension only requires you to put your class in a sub-package of liquibase.ext.


Although there is often conflicting requirements behind extensions, there is also many groups that need the same problems solved. To help facilitate the sharing and development of Liquibase extensions, we have created the Liquibase Extension Portal where anyone can post and share extensions they have created, including using our subversion and/or bug tracking if needed.

Beyond the extension portal, there have been several other “improve the Liquibase community” changes since 1.9 was released, including:

  • Replacing the mailing lists with a forum system
  • Changed from LGPL license to the more permissive Apache 2.0 license
  • Switched to Jira for bug and feature tracking
  • Introduced an official Liquibase training and support channel
  • Moved SVN for better source browsing and Jira integration
  • Created an announcement mailing list/newsletter (see http://liquibase.org sidebar to subscribe)
  • Major code refactoring/simplification effort to make a smaller learning curve to contributing code

But Wait, There’s More!

Beyond the big goals of extensibility and community (and the bug fixes), there is also important new functionality in the core Liquibase library including:

  • SQL-based Changelogs
  • Informix support
  • Ability to specify target changelog parameters to particular databases and/or context
  • Ability to specify target modifySql to particular contexts
  • Expanded use of changelog properties, including in preconditions and SQL text
  • Performance improvements

The Future

With the official release of Liquibase 2.0, the plan is to go back to a more standard release schedule. That means that 2.1 will not take 2 years… The jump from 1.9 to 2.0 had a lot of pieces to move around but the primary reason for the long release schedule was ensuring that the internal Liquibase API will be stable going forward for end users to code extensions against without fear of breaking changes.

Going forward, Liquibase development will be broken into two areas: work on the core library and work on extensions. While the extension system is great for end users, it will also help us to build deeper support for particular databases without trying to force database-specific functionality into the main library, iterate new and experimental features independently of the main library, and add take advantage of 3rd party libraries without adding a required dependency for everyone. This will allow the core Liquibase library to be better focused on providing a solid feature-set that is common to all databases and users.

I have already began some work on 2.1 which is primarily targeted at improving the database diff support which will allow the hibernate integration to improve as well as changelog generation for existing databases. Work beyond 2.1 will, like usual, be driven by user request. I would like to get back to the .net and Liquibase IDE proof-of-concepts I had began as well. There is also additional community improvements I would like to investigate including a less spam-attracting forum and possibly moving from SVN to github.

As always, let us know if you have any questions or suggestions, and thanks to everyone that contributed code, bug reports, and help during the 2.0 development.

New Liquibase Forum


If you visit http://liquibase.org/forum you will notice that it looks completely different. We were getting hit pretty hard with spam over the last few months on the old forum and I concluded that we could not stop it with the current simple machines software. As a result, we have moved to a Zoho-based forum.

There were suggestions to simply go with Google Groups, but in the end Zoho provided question-tracking features I liked as well as the ability to import in all the old forum topics and so I went with them.

Please check out the new forum and let me know if you have any suggestions or questions on it.

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